Is wedding photography worth it
Photography by Bilal
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Is wedding photography worth it

You might be asking yourself, is wedding photography worth it? The answer is, quite simply, yes. But, if price is your only deciding factor, you might regret your decision afterwards. After all, what you are paying for is the time and talent of the photographer. And a lot goes into perfecting our talent. I, for example, am constantly evolving and learning more about my craft. Just take this image, for example. It was taken at the Sheraton in Mahwah NJ, a very ugly hallway, not the ideal location for a bridal portrait. Only an experienced photographer that understands lighting and composition can make art out of something less than ideal. For this image I used a blue gel as a complimentary color to light the background, making the bride's red dress pop. My lighting was placed in the hallway in the direction the bride is facing. If the bride were to hire the cheapest photographer on the block, there is no way they would be able to produce this type of image, a cheap photographer would most likely not even have all the lighting required to create art such as this.

Location: 1 International Boulevard, NJ-17, Mahwah, NJ 07495.

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